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is vital
otherwise the butterfly
surrounded by a group of moths
unable to see itself
will keep trying to become the moth
- the sun and her flowers, rupi kaur


Hey you, I'm Tash.

I’m here to talk taboos; to check out what people are wearing and listening to, to see what they're creating and find out why - if there's a reason at all. I’m a fourth year Digital Media student at Rhodes University, navigating my way around the spaces I find myself in as a 21-year-old woman, fashion-enthusiast and culture curator. Wear In Trouble explores and celebrates a moment in time as fashion and politics collide, exploring unique style choices and the messages it spreads about their identities.


Today, in 2018, the world is oozing with the politics of fashion as we enter a renaissance of individuality and freedom in fashion and pop culture. I've created Wear In Trouble to explore different social and sexual identities that have been historically challenged, that have caused social friction, and to dissect style that turn heads and makes you blink - and think - again. 


So, with some research,  personal observation, and a whole lot of reading, I've created this series of stories to comment on the current cultural scene today and how it both promotes and hinders individuality in certain spaces, from my point of view and the opinions of other South African youths.This isn't just a fashion blog, This is a whole culture. 



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For promotional and business collaborations,  or for any personal questions, reach me here: or drop me a line:

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From Tash, With Love.

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