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  • Writer's pictureTash Pinto

Chilli con karma

Updated: Aug 14, 2023

"Karma's a spicy bitch, but I hope they know I am too."

Chills Kier staring at you all. Photo by: Tasha Pinto
Chilli, con Karma: A delicious photo story.

A picture says a thousand words - and I only need 400, so here's a couple pictures.

1. How do you express your creativity and sexuality?

Through make up. I love learning and playing around with new dimensions.

2. Where did you learn to do make up?

I'm always on YouTube, so I watch iconic stylists on their all day. I watch things like Nikkietutorials, but I actually used to start wearing my moms make up when she was still with us.

3. Tell me a little bit about that, do you think your mom would embrace the Chilli you are today?

Definitely, I think she always knew. I mean I would go to school with eyeliner and base on my face that was completely the wrong colour. I know it makes people uncomfortable when I wear make up. And I guess as a gay guy, I've been lucky simply because of the way I look - I have this thing called passing privilege because I look heterosexual depending on what I wear.

4. Tell me about the disparity of sexuality in privilege within the LGBT community?

If I don't wear make up, and when I look pretty casual, people are always surprised. I also notice that when I'm in typically 'masculine' wear, other men seem more comfortable around me. I don't know why make up freaks straight men out, but I realised - if I was going to try please everyone, I was going to be exhausted. I'll decided "I'll just give you something to look at instead."

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